Form a local circle

Help us to build a national network for climate change action with women's circles in each federal electorate

Start by reading our Vision and values statement and Charter for Change. Also see our Resources page for further information.

Use these resources and the tools below to inform and set up conversations among your women friends, colleagues and family members from all political persuasions, ages and walks of life. We aim to have circles of women in every federal (national) electorate involved in the movement. Contact your members of parliament to tell them about the WCC and how you expect them to represent you.

In this way, we will promote a relationship-building process to build up trust that genuine collaboration can serve the common good, and that nurture of life and care of the Earth must sit alongside economic considerations. This will be the basis of a constructive public discourse to escape the adversarial political process and more rapidly secure the climate and safeguard the future for the coming generations.

How to invite new members and host conversation circles
A letter of invitation to share with your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours.
WCC-Building the network – information on how to create your own local conversations and build relationship with your members of Parliament.
A 'harvest' template for you to record your conversations and send to WCC at

See also our Weaving the Threads Together project.