Get to know your local parliamentarian

Please use our letter template to introduce yourself to your representatives – be they in federal, state or local government — and let them know why you have joined the WCC.

Stay true to the WCC principles (outlined in the template) but also write about yourself and the things that are most important to you so that your representative can begin to understand your genuine concern and your desire for positive action. If it feels right for you, request a meeting.

Sometimes it is easier to get together for a cuppa with friends and write your letters together. Please contact us if you need help — members of our core group are happy to work with you to write a letter .

And for our records, please send us a copy of your letter, as well as any reply that you receive.

Please cc your letter to

To check your electoral boundaries go to: Current federal electoral divisions.

To find contact details for your MP and senators, see:
Guidelines for contacting senators and members.